Frequently Asked Questions - Underwriting on WUOT
Paid schedules on WUOT are known as “Underwriting” or “Business Partnerships” (formerly referred to as "Corporate Support")
- Underwriting – paid spots that air on WUOT between 6am – 12m, any day of the week. Agreements might span a week or a year
- Clients specify a program or run a rotator schedule (various audiences and programs throughout the day)
- Cost per spot ranges from $20 for evening blocks to $47 (Morning Edition) at for-profit level
- $500 minimum per agreement
Who are underwriters?
- For-profit retailers, restaurants and business services
- Non-profit, Education and Government
Why do they underwrite?
- Create awareness for their company or organization (branding or sharing how they serve the community)
- Promote an event (in-person or online)
Why do underwriters choose WUOT over other marketing choices?
- Signal strength far beyond local counties; see map
- Supports public radio and the station’s ongoing goal to serve its listeners in the way of news, music, escape
- Public Radio listeners are loyal, and are not as likely to engage with commercial media
- Breaks include 3 client messages at most, allowing each one to stand out more
- Profile research (done by NPR annually) illustrates NPR listeners’ demographics, purchase rationale and history, leisure preferences and attitudes to determine areas of programming best suited for clients’ message
- Nielsen data reflects WUOT’s strength compared to other stations, and depending on demo can show WUOT has more listeners than any other station in specific demographics
- “Halo Effect” – Clients recognize the special relationship between WUOT and its listeners who 1.) are more likely to support a business that supports WUOT (when given purchasing choices), 2.) connect with content and are actively engaged, 3.) see WUOT as a trusted resource and oasis from the aggressive nature of commercial radio
Steps involved
- Client needs analysis to determine their goals, budget, desired target and other preferences
- Agreement is signed (reflecting programming, dates and costs so all is lined out in advance and to make sure clients’ wishes are followed)
- Script is usually written by UW Coordinator, using bullets provided by client and website, press releases
- Message format must adhere to station and FCC Guidelines
- Spot recorded by on-air host
- Documentation sent to client - Affidavit or invoice sent the month spots air, reflecting exact times spots aired
- Payment made in advance or the month after – client’s choice